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Today’s Devotional Scripture: 3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place?
4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.
5 He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. - Psalm 24:3-5 KJV
The Message For Today (November 13, 2024):
Audio Version Of This Devotional: Birds Eye View Audio
To be able to see a larger scope and be able to understand with greater depth, elevation is required. The ability to scale the mountains in your life that you are called to scale will set you apart from those who believe that every mountain is demonic, or that every mountain is to be removed.
There are some mountains that are there to block you that must be removed, but there are other mountains that are there for you to grow up to, to grow into, to ascend, to become more patient, to become more intentional, to become more effective at the assignment that God has called you. That's what it means to climb the mountains that are there for you to climb. Discernment will help you to determine the difference.
In this ability to climb those mountains, and to discern the right mountains to climb, you will develop strength. You will develop tenacity. The grace and the poise to walk through fiery situations all come from growth. Not from skipping, not from shortcuts, but from growth. A bird's eye view is going to cost you, but there are benefits. The cost may be old friends. The cost may be old mindsets. The cost may be the comfort zone that you've clung to for years.
Those are the things that must be broken and those are the costs that must be paid. For those who are willing to pay the cost, the benefits of a bird's eye view sets them apart, gives them a sound mind, and helps them to weather every storm.
To be in a higher position, to understand how to operate and breathe and create from a higher elevation.
To trust God and know that He can trust you with the Holy Ghost assignment of your presence in different rooms, your presence in different assignments, different cities and regions.
Elevation has a purpose. Growth is intentional, and growth creates a new you, a new person, a person who is able to let go of everything old and become new in Christ Jesus. A bird's eye view is required. A higher view, an elevated view, as high as you can get. Climb those mountains that you're called to climb, that you may see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, that your vision may be expanded, that your capacity, your territory may grow, that the ability for you to be effective in the things you do day in and day out will grow.
This is what happens when someone does the work to grow, to elevate, to climb the mountains of influence God has called them to, and become a person who watches from the hilltop. Who watches from the apex of the mountain. That is a different view than those who are at the base, or who are in the valley of indecision, or who are in their old season. In order to come out of that requires intentionality. It requires you being willing to climb and grow and become in the name of the Lord.
This is your season and your time for a bird's eye view. It is right here and right now that as you begin to grow, that God will give you clean hands, a pure heart, and renew a right spirit within you. As you begin to come up these mountains, surrendering to God, releasing every distraction, every weight that so easily besets you. This is the season and now is the time to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
It's time to grow. It's time to see increase and can only see that when you decide that it's worth the climb.
Closing Devotional Prayer
My prayer for you: Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you. I thank you, O God, that here and now things are shifting. Thank you for the grace and the glory of God. You are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I thank you for being a keeper. I thank you, God, that ways are being made. Lord, I thank you for an open door and a finished season.
Lord, I thank you that the mighty woman of God is ready to let go of everything old and step into creativity, a fresh vision, new revelation, and a new assignment. I thank you, God, that the mighty woman of God is ready to release everything old and step fully into you in accordance with this devotional in the scripture.
Who shall ascend to the hills of the Lord? Let that be this mighty woman of God who ascends to those hills. Let this be the woman of God that begins to see from a different perspective and elevated point of view. I thank you, God, that the grace and the glory is going forth now, where every distraction is falling away, every fear is coming down, and ways are being made. I thank you, Lord, and I pray in Jesus' mighty name, Amen.
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