Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you. I thank you for the mighty woman of God. Lord, I thank you for a fresh wind. I thank you, God, that nothing is missing and nothing is broken. Lord, as we are standing in this brand new day, we thank you for fresh breath in our lungs.
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We thank you for a heart that's at ease, for minds that are settled. For Lord God, you've given us a spirit of peace, of power, of love, and of a sound mind. Everything that we need is inside of you. You've already empowered us, oh God, with what is required to overcome this world and everything in it. Everything that the enemy desires to do, oh God, will fail. The weapons will form, but they will not prosper.
So Lord, I thank you. I thank you, oh God, for the mighty woman of God coming into divine alignment. I thank you, oh God, that there's a break of the anointing coming forth now, that as the woman of God takes her steps, that her steps are being ordered by you, oh Lord.
Every step, every heartbeat, God, every thought, let it be, oh God. Filter it, God, through your word, for your word is true. Your word prevails. Sending your word day and night gives us good success. So I thank you, God, for your word. I thank you for the revelation and for the outpouring, for you are our God.
Please God, remove every barrier and every wall. Lord, just have your way, King of glory. Go forth over the woman of God. Allow there to be great increase today, as she aligns herself with you through prayer, oh God. Through setting the right intentions for her day, through pressing, oh God, into the promises, which your yes and amen.
Lord, I pray that she not grow slack, or grow weak, or grow weary in well-doing, for she shall reap a harvest, oh God, if she faint not. Lord, I pray she does not give up. I pray that she continues to walk with you, to trust with you. I'm praying for divine alignment, God. I'm talking about lockstep co-creation, that wherever you go, God, she is going with you.
Wherever you end up, God, she is with you. She is there wherever you're guiding her, God. We thank you for great momentum. I thank you, God, for the distractions coming to an immediate end, for you are God. They have to break. They have to come to an end. The hand of the Lord is upon her, oh God. The hand of the Lord is upon her finances.
The hand of the Lord is upon her family, God. Let the break of the anointing go forth and let the enemy be scattered now. Let every weapon that has been formed be cast down in the name of Jesus, for you are God alone. You've already paid the cost. You've already shed your blood, oh God, on the cross. You've already done that. So, Lord, I thank you, oh God, that the mighty woman of God is rising again.
She's being equipped supernaturally. Lord, just have your way. Have your way, King of glory. There's nothing like you. There's nobody like you. You're shifting us, God, in every way, God, in every moment. You're right here with us, oh God, in this season. We thank you for the outpouring of your spirit. We thank you, oh God, that you're having your way, that windows are opening, oh God, and that you are pouring out afresh and new.
Lord, guide the mighty woman of God. Guide her steps. Lord, you are with her right now. Your word is like a shield, God. Your love is like a fortress. The Bible says your name is a strong tower and the righteous run in and they are safe. Lord Jesus, have your way. Have your way, King of glory. Have your way. Shift the atmosphere, oh God. Allow the woman of God to hear you, to know you, to love you, to be introduced to you again. Hallelujah. Supernaturally.
I'm praying for the grace of God over afflictions, oh God, that have been longstanding. Let those things break now. Lord, I pray for a severing and a turnaround in long-term difficult issues. You're already doing it, so Lord, just walk with us. Show us, oh mighty God, the way to do this thing.
Lord, not by might, nor by power, but by your spirit, Lord. Send divine revelation, new instruction. Lord, show us what we are to go in the flow in this hour, led by your Holy Spirit, led by your Holy Spirit and by your love. Lord, we pray we have the heart to say yes, oh God, that wherever you go, we will go. We have the heart to say yes, Lord, no matter how uncomfortable it may be.
We have the courage to say yes, we're going to forge on past every obstacle and every limitation. Whatever roadblocks will rise, oh God, we know that you are greater. You are greater than the obstacles. Hallelujah. You're greater than the roadblocks, God. You're greater than the confusion. Lord, God, you bring in clarity. You are God in the midst of us, so Lord, I thank you, Jaira. Have your way, King of Glory.
I thank you, God, for divine alignment. Let the woman of God walk with you, that she would hear the prompting of your voice and shift immediately. God, I pray that there will be no delay between the hearing and the obedience. I pray that the faster she may walk with you, oh God, the faster she's going to see the manifestation of the glory of the Lord in her life and that she's going to be the manifestation that the world is looking for.
The Bible says in Romans 8, 18 to 19, that the entire creature awaited for the manifestation of the sons of God.
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. - Romans 8:18-19 KJV
The people are waiting for evidence, but that being said, I give God the glory now. I thank God for this shift, and I thank God for the power for the woman going forth today. Hallelujah. I pray that as she goes forth, as this prayer comes to a close, oh God, that you would just continue to break, continue to bring back the remembrance, that her praise, God, would go forth, oh God, shifting the atmosphere. And that her day is coming under submission now by the spirit of the living God. So I thank you, Lord God, and I give you glory. In Jesus' mighty name, amen.