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Today’s Devotional Scripture: 8 And David enquired at the Lord, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.
- 1 Samuel 30:8 KJV
The Message For Today (December 13, 2024):
***Click here to Listen To Audio Version: Nothing Missing Audio
Today's cornerstone scripture is a beautiful example of how God shows up for you no matter what. It's a beautiful example of the grace and glory of God at work. When we look at this scripture, we see that in the beginning of the scripture that the mighty men of war are with Samuel and as they are with Samuel, they are out. They are not at home and they were coming into Ziglag on the third day that the Amalekites had invaded the south in Ziglag, in Ziglag, and burned it with fire.
That's where their families were. Now, they had taken all the women, all the children. They took everything. But they didn't kill anything. Now, when David and his men came into the city and saw that it was razed, it was burned with fire, and that their wives, their sons, and their daughters were gone, David and the people began to weep. Now, they had just come out of a battle and were coming into home to expect it to be peaceful.
But there was an unknown enemy. There was an unplanned attack, something that they were not prepared for and in seeing this battle, the people wanted to actually kill David. They held him accountable as their leader. And so he's sitting there facing, essentially, a firing squad. They wanted to stone him. They wanted to stone him to death. Stoning is killing by rocks. So he's basically facing a firing squad. People who were at war with him just a moment ago are now at war against them.
What David does is he talks to the priest. And he says, “Bring me the ephod”. The ephod is what the priests wore when they began to pray. He said, bring me the ephod. Once the son of Abimelech brought the ephod, David then inquired of the Lord. So understand that in this situation, he was in the fight or flight position. He could sit there and deal with them or just go and run. But there was another option where it felt like he was out of options.
It felt like they had, who knows how long they had been gone or how far the army had taken their wives and children. He still stood there in the midst thereof. And like a rock, decided to turn to his creator. He decided to pray and he decided to ask, is this situation recoverable? Can I fix it? Will I have the victory? Will you give me the victory in this situation?
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How many times have you faced unplanned setbacks and circumstances and wondered in your heart, “Man, I wish I could have done something differently? I wish I was in a different position. I wish I would have. I wish I could change the past.”
The problem with this mindset is it keeps you stuck in the old. It keeps you stuck inside of a time that you can no longer change. And David knew this. Instead of contending and trying to prove himself before the army, and instead of making a knee-jerk reaction that would not be blessed by God, he decided to ask, “Lord, shall I pursue? Will I overtake them?” And the Lord blessed him in that moment with the answer of: “Pursue, or thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.”
No matter what the situation looks like, no matter how far they delay, no matter if it feels like you've made mistakes and you wish you couldn't undo it, and it could rightfully be your fault, you may have pressure on the left and the right to do something, but remember that you are a child of the Most High God. You are a daughter of the King. You have the right and the responsibility to pray to the Lord, to inquire of the Lord for your next steps.
Despite the pressure and outward limited options, there was an option, and there was a victory. As you continue reading through the scripture, as they gathered, some stayed home, and so of the 600 that were with him, 200 remained because they were tired. They found an Egyptian in the field, and this Egyptian was actually a slave of the Amalekite army. He was left behind, so his master left him. This person, this Egyptian slave, was essentially that unplanned ace in the hole.
God had everything worked out. It seemed impossible. It seemed like he was going to be stoned. He's basically facing the anger and the weeping of his men to turn around and have this chance encounter with someone who was serving the Amalekite army. He was serving the Amalekite army, and in doing so, knew exactly where they were. David said to him, Can you tell me where they are?
So, of course, they had gone so far so fast that David didn't know where they were. There was no option. There was no chance, and in many situations facing those kind of incredible odds, many would claim defeat. But before David moved his feet, before he made a decision, he went before the Lord and prayed and got the divine instruction to continue to pursue, to not stop.
What is it that God has called you to do in this season where it seems like you're just not equipped to be everywhere at the same time? What is it that feels like no matter how much you try, it just seems like there's setback after setback? Ziklag was a setback that God already knew would happen. By mere chance someone was left behind that could tell David exactly where the battle was, exactly where the camp of the enemy was, and, of course, they provided for him.
They kept him, and he let them know exactly where to find their wives and children and David did recover all. The promises of God are yes and amen. When you're facing situations where it just feels like you're not gonna be able to get it, you're not gonna be able to fix it, you're not gonna be able to recover or fix the mistake or make the tweaks because you see the time is waning, things seem limited, maybe you waited too long. There is nothing too hard for the Lord.
No, it has not been too long. No, it is not too late. This is the season and this is the moment for you to go before the Lord and say:
Lord, shall I pursue?
Shall I go up?
How shall I pursue, oh, God?
What is it that you are bringing my way?
How is it, God, that I can correct this? Should I continue?
This morning in the devotional, I encourage you to keep going, keep trusting, keep believing, keep praying, keep believing that you will recover all. This is the grace and the glory of God at work. Do not be distracted and do not be overwhelmed. God is doing what he said he would do. There is a shift coming now upon you. If you can just be still and know that he is God, God can bring fresh revelation.
He can bring fresh clarity and new instruction if you pause and lean not onto your own understanding, but acknowledge God in all of your ways and he will clearly direct your path.
Closing Devotional Prayer
My prayer for you: Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you right now that the mighty Woman of God is coming into divine alignment, that right where she is is right where she belongs. Right where she is, we're seeing the shift, that right where she is, oh God, you have guided her feet steps and wherever her feet are right now, wherever her footsteps have guided her, she's right where she needs to be, that Lord God is going to work.
The Bible decrees that all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to your purposes. We take that word to bear now and I thank you, oh God, for that word over her life, that today, right where she is, she is in the moment of her victory, oh God. She's in the moment of being in the best position possible.
‘Right where she is, God, there is nothing missing and nothing broken. She can recover from the moment you set her in now. Lord God, that you can give her fresh instructions, new revelation. Lord God, you are a keeper. There is nothing that you cannot do. There is nothing beyond your capacity. There is nothing too hard for you, Lord. I thank you, Lord, and I give you glory in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.
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