Click Here To Listen To Her Morning Prayer: Prayer: Make Room
Today’s Devotional Scripture: 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8:38-39 KJV
The Message For Today (December 12, 2024):
***Click here to Listen To Audio Version: Never Lost Audio
Many times when we just don't know what the next steps may be in difficult or uncertain situations there is this distinct feeling of being lost or this distinct feeling of not knowing where you're going. That feeling in and of itself causes different expressions of uncertainty of fear of even feeling like you're off and not put together and what happens on a heart level and on a mind level there's a disconnect.
The confidence and faith in which you usually go through the world is no longer there. That confidence and faith that you have when you do know where you're going, when you do know you know what a thing is, when you do know how to handle it; the confidence and the faith are now gone simply because the same conditions of certainty are not there. In the cornerstone scripture today what we see is a full-fledged understanding that no matter what happens nothing can separate the writer from the love of Christ.
Nothing can separate us from Jesus Christ. We are in the hand of the Father and nothing can snatch us out of his hand. We are covered by God in and out of season. It doesn't matter if you know where you're going, if you don't know where you're going, if you're uncertain about a situation, if uncertainty has come in due to relationships, these things are all external. But the certainty, the knowledge, and the confidence and the boldness in which you move through the world are very much connected to who you are in Christ Jesus.
When you realize that and when you step boldly into that truth you can begin to see miracles in situations where you didn't know what would happen but you knew who was with you. This is that moment where you begin to realize that even in the uncertain situations of life you can move with a certainty that causes situations to line up in your favor, that opens up doors, and makes ways where apparently your mind and and your your level of revelation understanding may not know what's next.
But the God that created the universe will make a way and knowing that in your heart, stepping into that truth, knowing that God is with you, then you know in your heart you are never lost, you are never confused or uncertain.
You know in your heart who you are at any given moment. That level of confidence makes it that you are essentially attractive. You are seen and viewed as a leader. When things look a little crazy for the rest of the world, you are the one that will begin to walk in that level of certainty and leadership that is unreal.
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This is the grace and the glory of God. He wants to bless you with this certainty. He wants to bless you with his presence and so this scripture in Romans 8:38-39 brings in that certainty that no matter what happens God is still with you.
In John 10:28-30 it says:
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
30 I and my Father are one. - John 10:28-30 KJV
This scripture spoken by Jesus in the Book of John is very clearly another affirmation of the fact that no matter where you are you are not lost. No matter what happens in any situation, you are not lost. You are not lost figuratively. You're not lost literally. You are not lost. You may not know where you are or what's going to happen next. You may not feel like you have a point of reference that gives you the feeling of control internally but you know who God is.
Remember we are in the world but not of the world. We are to walk with God in every situation and He is with us. So this is the time and the moment to solidify yourself in the knowledge of who God is. Solidify yourself in the knowledge of who God is and the way will be made for you. You'll begin to see things line up for you. Your heart will be open in such a way that people will wonder how is it that you're not frazzled? How is it that you're not overwhelmed?
How is it that unplanned circumstance, that event, that thing didn't shake you because your foundation is not the love of the world or having all of your ducks in a row. That is not your foundation. Your foundation is your faith in Christ Jesus and your acceptance that He is your God, that he died on the cross that your soul would be saved, and that any given moment right now the Spirit of the living God is with you.
Now is the time to walk fully and embrace all that God has for you. All that He has for your family, all that he has for your finances, and all that he has for the situation you're in. It is sometimes the best times when you don't physically know a reference point or don't know a destination. When those times come upon you just know that the work of the Lord is mighty in those times. It is mighty in those moments and you can trust him
Closing Devotional Prayer
My prayer for you: Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you. I thank you that goodness and mercy will follow this mighty Woman of God wherever she goes this day. She is covered. She is covered, oh God, not by might, nor by power but by your Spirit lord.
It is not her own hand that saves herself, oh God, it is you who brings salvation, oh God. It is you who upholds us with your mighty right arm God. It is you that guides our footsteps and we're reminded of this very thing: That He who begin a good work in us we'll be faithful to complete it until the coming of Christ.
You have begun a good work in this mighty Woman of God. She is up, oh God, she is walking through her day. The good work has already started and now we will see more of it. I thank you lord and I pray in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
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